Monday, October 10, 2011

Week Fourty: Everything Is Happening.

Do you ever have one of those weeks where everything is happening at once? Yeah, me too.

So that's why this is just bordering on late. I've been splitting my time between teaching and prepping for 10 different classes on three different days, rehearsing for the show I'm in, trying to get ready for NaNo, still keeping up on my weekly ASL lessons, learning to roller skate for the aforementioned play, read at least a little, keep the laundry going and the house at least marginally clean.

Clearly, it's been a bit nuts over here.

Just today, I spent 2 hours at the local skating rink just practicing going around and not falling over while holing on to a stack of books. Not as easy as one would think, especially since the last time I roller skated was at my cousin's birthday party, when he turned 5 or something. (This would have made me 6 years old.) Two weeks ago, the role I was play in the show swapped from the smallest part to one of the lead roles. For this new part, I have to learn to skate. Yes, I'm trying not to kill myself.

In addition, as I mentioned before, I'm thinking about NaNo. It's looking like my novel this year will be a huge sci-fi crazy-thing, and I couldn't be happier.

Anywho, I'm getting tired (it is 1:15am, after all), so I'll let you all go.

Hoping for a better post next week,


  1. NaNo is getting so close. I really need to get more prepared for it!

  2. I'm freaking out about NaNo already. Seriously, I'm drawing up character profiles like there is no tomorrow! So excited! And good for you for getting a lead role! Break a leg! (not literally; be careful roller skating - that activity can be lethal!)


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