Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week Fourty-One: NaNoWriMo Prep

Why hello again, my charming bloggians.

As you all know, November is creeping up ever faster that I thought possible. I am without a full-formed plot, without main characters, and without an outline. In addition to this, I will be teaching three days a week in November (and spending countless hours doing prepwork for the classes), attempting to keep sane, not fall behind on my BOW'11 project, and furthermore, the show that I'm in is opening the first weekend of November. It's all I can do to keep my head above water now, let alone attempt to write a book.

So now it's time for me to step back and look at my November in a realistic way. Will I be able to handle all this without going utterly bonkers? Can I take even three minutes to squeeze in another handful of words? No.

Is it madness to think that I could take on a project of this magnitude? Yes.

Will I be doing it anyway, despite my better judgement? You bet.

Am I taking on 50,000 words of a genre that I am not wildly familiar with? Indeed.

How excited am I? There are no words.


Thank you to all those who have commented. I love you all and send tons of hugs your way. I wish I had time to properly write back, but maybe in December? Thanks for sticking with me!

P.P.S. Are you NaNoing this year? What's your book about?


  1. I'm going to do NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I really need to get working on a plot outline.

  2. My sister is going MAD waiting for November!! She's doing a NaNo novel and is veeerrryyyy excited! ♥ Good luck with it! I think I'll... wait this one out ;)



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