Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wanna talk to me on Skype? Also, Banned Book Week.

It's banned book week.
I LOVE this week.
What other week can you read and feel like a badass all in one go?
(Yes, yes, yes...speaking up against censorship and all that jazz, too. Important stuff.)

Last year, for BBW, I wrote a song.
It's called "It's Raining, Annie", and it's a book-rock song about Annie On My Mind. It was the first song I've ever written, and my talent has grown a LOT since then.

I'm still very proud of it.
Here's a video of my very own self playing it!

In other news, NaNoWriMo is only about a month away. I am halfway thrilled, and halfway scared.

I'm starting up a Skype group. If you are doing NaNo, and you want a group of awesometastic people to chat with/help with plot/share written stuffness/tell you to get off the chat and go write more/do word wars with, then let me know.

I've been busybusy in my off-the-computer life, so that's why I haven't posted much.

I'll try to get another post on here in less than a week.

A friend of mine thinks I should do a meme that she posted on her blog, so that'll probably be the next post.

What's new in all of YOUR lives?


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