Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Really Epic Idea...or so I think...

So, I have an IDEA.

How cool would it be to keep track of your year, and join other people on thier year long journeys?

I want to be able to look back, this time next year and be able to read the story of my life in 2011. Interesting things will happen this year, and I want to remember every step of the way.

This brilliant idea came to me in the shower one morning, (as good ideas are wont to do) and I quickly decided that it shouldn't be JUST ME, that I should see how many other people want to do it.

The idea was spawned from doing @MaureenJohnson's BEDA - Blog Every Day August, (which, if you have read pretty much ANY of my previous posts, you can tell was TOTALLY EPIC).

Blog Once Weekly in 2011, or BOW'11 (or hashtag'd on twitter as #BOW11) will be a project where the goal is to blog at least once a week for an entire year. That's it. Simple as that.

SO, without further ado, I would like to ask you this. Do you want to do BOW'11 with me?

(Thinking about this now, it means that I shall have to write blog posts ON TOP OF NANOWRIMO. What am I thinking?)

Because of all of this whatnot, I've been thinking quite a lot about BOW'11, and I've come to make up some rules (for me at least, if you'd like to follow along, that's fine by me).

Here they are:

One: One post per week AT LEAST.

Two: A week shall be defined as Monday through Sunday.

Three: A post shall be defined as some bit of writing...just a bit.

Four: Anyone who wants to join in is MORE THAN WELCOME.

That's it!
Happy boxing day!

Until next time,


  1. I usually post more than once a week, but I will totally join you with this. :) I don't have a particular blogging goal for 2011 so it will definitely keep me accountable. :D

  2. I'll join in also. This was my goal after BEDA anyway, but I might have a better chance of actually sticking to it if I'm part of a "thing".

  3. I loveee this idea! I can usually eek out a post a week...but this will hopefully help me post more! :D

  4. Hey there! I just found this from a link on Rachel's blog, and since I already made it a goal to blog once a week this year, I thought I'd join up!

  5. @Rachel
    Hooray, more friends joining in!

    Yeah, being part of a THING is really good for pushing out product. That's why NaNo works so well for me.

    Glad you like it! I'm pretty thrilled myself, actually!

    Hey, brilliant! That's awesome that it worked out like that. ^___^


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