This happens to me quite a lot, once per week, even. Instead of pretending that I have a proper topic to write about, I'm just going to start typing and hope for the best.
The funny thing is, I have so much that's going on, it's absurd that I don't have a blog topic or any sort since there's just so much going on in my life.
Next weekend, I'll be going to Pride, and I'm actually really excited, because not only will this be my first Pride, it'll also be the first time I'll be seeing my ASL tutor face to face since August of last year. Practicing ASL in person will be so much simpler than doing it via skype call. Not that I don't love skype, (and I DO, trust me), but 3d will be nice. xD
In addition to that, I've been playing around with ideas for this coming November's NaNoWriMo (I know, I know...I'm a little early. Hush.), and that's been fun.
Internet Prom was fantastic, Emily was a charming date and we danced in our respective homes with representations of our dates (I picked a unicorn for my dance partner), and it was wonderful. We got all dressed up and everything. Here's our prom photo, I'm in the dress. She's the unicorn.

The same day as Internet Prom was Relay For Life, which was both emotional and a lot of fun. I love Relay, and I even got a new haircut, pictured in my Internet Prom photo.
All of a sudden, there are a bunch of really exciting things that are happening.
What's going on in YOUR lives?