Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week One: Bringing back The BOW Project and my personal resolutions.

As some of you may recall, last year, I took on a crazy project. The attempt was to write and publish 52 posts in a year, one each week.

As you may have noticed, I failed this project. However, I reached 45 posts in 2011, not counting the daily blogs I put out during the month of August. I count that as a success. I mean, I wrote far more than I would have otherwise, and that was the whole point.

Because I haven't learned my lesson from last year, I'm trying again. Yes, The BOW Project is going on into 2012, and I couldn't be happier.

I don't like to do new year's resolutions, and the reason is this: I don't want to feel like I failed at something. I think that too many people set themselves up to fail when they pick the resolutions that they choose. That being said, I'm making some resolutions that I think I can keep up with.

In no particular order:

* Don't run away from new experiences based solely on my anxieties and irrational fears.
* Do things that make me happy.
* Create more things.
* Don't second-guess myself so intensely.
* Do something that I've never done before.
* Write what I'd like to read.

I think those are good goals.


  1. Yay! I'm very excited that you're going to do BOW again. I like reading your blogs, so anything that makes you blog more is good to me. ;D

  2. Good luck on the BOW thing! I think I'll join you! I need to get writing more. It would be good for the soul. I also like your list of resolutions. Mine are much more critical of my own being. I like yours!
    Create, grow, and survive the new year!

  3. Aww, thank you, Rachel and Kathy! I've got my fingers crossed that I'll actually be able to properly get my posts out on time this year, but you never know. xD

    And L, HOORAY FOR COMPANY ON THE BOW PROJECT! I will happily add you to the list of people who are BOW-ing! Do you have a specific blog that you'll be posting on? I'd like to link to it on the this-is-as-official-as-it-gets BOW page.


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