Wednesday, August 11, 2010

BEDA, Day 11: Androgynous

I love this song. It makes me happy on so many levels.

Watch it now, and then continue with reading this blog, okay?

I'll give you time.

There? Are you finished? Well, if you are (which you should be), then you will have seen Joan Jett preform a cover of The Replacements's Androgynous.

I have been (no lie) listening to this on repeat for the past three days.

There is just something so free and sweet about these two people who love each other, loving each other for who they are on the inside, not how they look, or express their gender, or anything else.

I wish the entire world was a bit more like that classroom of kids, who just recognize love, and don't judge.

Too much in life, people spend time judging other people.

We all do it. We all look at someone we haven't known before, and try to fit them into the boxes we already have in our heads. Now, some of you may be saying "That's not me. I don't do that." Well, you know what? It's freakin' HUMAN NATURE to judge people. I hate it just as much as you do, maybe MORE than you do.

If we realize that we can take the time to put aside these judgments that we made beforehand, and we all actually DO take the time, this world would be so much more accepting.

Then we wouldn't be shunning Dick (or anyone else) for wearing a skirt, and Jane wouldn't have to run away from home to be who she is.

There would be no more hate, because we would all be seen as people. Each one as worthy of respect and life as the next.

Just something to think about.


P.S. I have been known to wear a tie, fedora and tailcoat at times. I have been known to wear a short skirt I made myself with a lacy tanktop at times. And guess what? I'm no different when I wear one than when I wear another.


  1. THIS. All the way through. You are pretty much my favorite person right now. <3<3 Well, after Joan Jett of course, but I think you can forgive me for that. ;D

    I mean, I'm pretty femme. I like looking pretty, I like showing off my curves and I like a lot of clothing generally marketed towards women, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with me taking something off the men's rack. Same with a guy shopping in the girl's section. There really shouldn't be a difference. It's all just clothes.

  2. @Rachel
    Aww! Thank you. Your comment was awesome.

    Too much time is spent on who "should" be wearing what. I feel firmly that if what you're wearing makes you feel like you, then nobody has the right to look down on you and say "those are (insert opposite gender here)'s clothes".

    We (as a culture) are very strange about gender roles.
    It always astounds me that we can't look at someone and respect them for who they are on the INSIDE, not pre-judge them on the way they look.


    P.S. Joan Jett freakin' ROCKS (and she's pretty cute as well), and I can TOTALLY forgive you for that. ;)


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