Sunday, August 29, 2010

BEDA, Day 29: You aren't supposed to see this post.

If you are seeing this post, that means that:

A: I am too tired to drag my lazy body over to the laptop to create a better post.

B: I haven't gotten home yet.

C: I have been eaten by rabid wolves.

D: I got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts, years too late, but am off at Diagon Alley.

E: The mothership arrived and I got on it.

F: I could write a post, but it would make zero sense, so I opted out.

G: I'm sleeping.

H: I got whisked up in a tornado and am now in Oz...without wifi.

I: My computer crashed.

J: The internet crashed.

K: The zombie apocolypse happened, and I now want braiiiiiinnnnnssss.

L: I took a swift trip to Mars.

...Or something else.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa!

    M: All of the above?

  3. @T_Y

    N: A combination of A, F, and G.


  4. and here I was hoping it was K ! :D

  5. I was personally rooting for D, myself...


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