Thursday, August 26, 2010

BEDA, Day 26: Conference, and The Whimsy Code.

So, once more I come to you in a pre-packaged form. This time, I am off at an unschooling conference, where I am (presumebly) either frolicking, making merry, meeting awesome people, seeing old friends, and/or generally having a grand old time.

I'm leaving today (Thursday, tho' I'm not writing this on that day), and I won't be back until late Sunday/early Monday, so replies to comments shall be picked back up on that day.

Here is a bite of the conference:

You can't see me in that video, because I went home before the photos and such were taken. No Whimsy-sightings there. (The Whimsy is an elusive creature, prone to making goofy faces when it is being photographed. That is why there are few genuinely "nice" photos of The Whimsy.)

That being said, we continue with our regular blog posts.

I have a plan, dear readers. Here it is. I am putting out a call for questions that you would like answered, and I will compile an answers post after I return from my excursion. Sound like fun? Just leave a comment with your question, and I shall reply to it. ^_^

I'd love deep questions, questions about my life, myself, goofy questions, anything. You ask it, I'll answer it. (Providing that it doesn't break The Whimsy Code*, that is.)

August has been a lot of fun, but also a LOT of crazy. I guess I never realized quite how nutty my life was until I attempted to write daily blogs about it. Gadzooks.

Since I have nothing more to add to this post, I shall say farewell for now.


* The Whimsy Code is thus:
I do not respond to spam, hate or anything like that.
If I would be giving away something about my life that I don't want broadcast across the internet, again, that's a no.
Rude/nosey questions will be appraised on a question-by-question basis.
Genuine curious questions will always be appreciated.
And hey, it never hurt to ask, now did it?

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I love comments! They taste delicious on toast. Also, I read and reply to every comment.