Friday, February 12, 2010

A stream of consciousness on music, Disney, princesses, and Barbie.

I think that one of the things that can so unite us as human beings is music.
Really, you don't even need to know the language of the song you are enjoying to know what the mood is, be it euphoric, melancholy, or a bit of both.
There's such a peace that can come over you when you hear that one song that purely covers your mood at the time, and that is truly amazing to me.
I personally will listen to a song twenty or so times in the space of a few days, then I will leave it alone for weeks upon weeks.

Silly songs can give me chills, like "Part of Your World" from Disney's Little Mermaid.

Speaking of Disney, there are exactly two Disney movies that I really like (bordering on love) Lion King 2, not Lion King 1 and Mulan.
Most Disney makes me want to put a stiletto (not that I own one) through the television, particularly the god-awful princess ones. For instance, Cinderella is dreadful, and I think that it's immensely sad that many little girls idolize a female character who is frankly speaking, pathetic.
Poor Cindy is abused by her family, takes no control over her own destiny, and her greatest wish of all is not to get out of the controlling environment that she suffers in daily, but instead to skip out for one night, look pretty for a guy that she's never met, become a person who her family doesn't even recognize, and in the end, the Prince "loves" her for her beauty and nothing else.

Every one of the princesses that the little (and not-so-little) girls adore are useless without their princes, and are so skinny that if they were real women, they'd break in two, just like barbie.

And to end this mish-mash, a fact for you.

Barbie dolls were initially inspired by a "sexually themed gag toy for men".
How gross is that?

Until next time, this has been Whimsy.

Over and out.


  1. Did you know that the Lion King movies were based on two very well known Shakespearian plays, MacBeth and Romeo and Juliet? Talk about the Disney guys knowing their stuff, right?

  2. It felt very Romeo & Juliet-ish to me, but that's the first time that I heard confirmation of my suspicions.


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