Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dress Rehearsal, Excuses, a Rather Quick Blog

So, after weeks upon weeks of stress and whatnot, tonight is dress rehearsal.
I am quite nervous. I always get nervous about shows.
I have a good reason this time: I'm sick. I have been feeling under-the-weather for the past week.
The fact that I am sick has the quite unfortunate side effect of the fact that I cannot film myself singing and playing guitar. *sadface*
I really want to, but since I sound like a baritone with my nose plogged with seven cotton balls, and I'm coughing every three seconds, that shall not happen.

In other news, I'm portraying Pocahantas on Saturday, shows on Thursday through Sunday, and I have auditions for another show on Monday (hooray), and hope to record myself playing over the weekend.

Onward, upward, and ohmygod, show opens TOMORROW!

Off to drink more tea and eat plenty of cough drops,


  1. I like the wizard rock reference, and good luck with your show!

  2. Thanks! It's going well, only one more show next Sunday!


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