Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week Eleven: "...let me dance in the glitter."

The dedicated blog readers who have been with me from the beginning (February/March 2010), or who have read back that far*, will recall True Colors, the absolutely fantastic conference for lgbtq(etc, etc, etc**) folks.
If you haven't, and don't feel like going back to look it up, or I haven't been non-stop yakking to you about it already, here's a refresher.
3,000 lgbtq youth and the people who support us, rainbows, laughter, friendship, entertainment, all packed into two full days of workshops, keynotes and even a dance.
This year will be my first time presenting, but my fourth time at the conference overall.

Being in a place full of such acceptance and unconditional love is such a heartwarming feeling. Not to say that I don't have that at home, which I do, most certainly. Spending a weekend with 3,000 people who are all so wonderful is simply energizing.

Four years ago, I went to the conference as a 14 year old, straight ally daughter of lesbian moms.
This year, I will be going as a 18 year old, third generation queer*** presenter.
I've grown and learned a lot about myself, and I'm beyond happy with both who I am, and where I'm going.

It's not only the anniversary of going to TC, but it's also the anniversary of this blog. (In my mind, the February 2010 posts don't /really/ count. Even though they do.)

I'd like to thank each and every one of you. You've let me into your lives, and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed getting to know you all. Each comment, each follower and every one of you who attempted/are attempting to do BOW'11 with me mean so much.
Thank you all so very much, and let's go onto another year!

One more thing:
Bring on the rainbows, and let me dance in the glitter.

* Or those who speak to me regularly on Skype or another social network.
**Forgive me for using the short string of letters, please. I'm not writing out the whole QUILTBAGPIPE initialisim every time, but I'm doing it in my head, believe me.
***My grandad, my mum and now myself are all queer. ^___^

1 comment:

I love comments! They taste delicious on toast. Also, I read and reply to every comment.