Monday, March 7, 2011

Week Ten: I'm teaching Hermione.

Really quick, to catch you up on my life: I'm teaching three classes. A Hogwarts class, and two theatre classes. The kids range from 6 to 12 years old, and every single one of them is ADORABLE.

I'm going to focus on the Hogwarts kids, because I find them (possibly) the most hilarious and the most fun to teach.

We've got three Ravenclaws, two Hufflepuffs and three Slytherins. Mum, my sister and I have each taken a table to take care of. My sister got the 'Puffs, because she is one, and I was ever-so-happy to get my table of Slytherins.

As one might expect, all the kids are behaving RIGHT in line with the house traits.

We have the Hufflepuffs. Quiet, the sweetest kids in the class, very happy all the time, artistic, the whole deal.

Then there's the Ravenclaws. These are the kids who are counting up the abitrarily awarded house points and who perk up as soon as you say the word "trivia".

And over at the end of the room, there's the Slytherins. We're easily the most rowdy table, and two out of my three kids are totally convinced that we're all going to become Death Eaters.

How much to I love teaching this class? So. Very. Much.

So far, we're made wands and filled them all with unique cores, sorted them all into houses, made house badges and even created trunks to keep all their Hogwarts things in. I want to take my own class. Seriously.

We have one little girl who is Hermione, %110. She visibly crumbles when she can't think of the trivia answer, and she's quite literal.

Examples as follows.
Hermione: Are you trying to be Tonks? Your hair is green, not pink.
Me: I dyed my hair pink at first, so I could be Tonks, but now I have it green because I like it better.

Me: *sets out bowl of "mandrake root" to fill wands with*
Hermione: "That's cork pieces."
Me: "No, it's mandrake root."
Hermione: *eyes suspiciously*

She's the cutest thing ever.

Teaching is really wonderful, working with all these young kids. I can honestly say that I love what I do for a living.

I hope you all have the same feeling.


1 comment:

  1. Can I be in your class? Or, rather, your sister's class. Hufflepuff's represent. ;)


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