Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week Nine: You are a Brit from the 1800's.

Salutations, my good friends.

At the beginning of this year, when I took on this mad commitment of writing one blog post a week for an entire year, I knew in the back of my head that it would become steadily more difficult to get in the time required to hammer out a proper post. However, I had foolishly thought that I'd be getting posts up on the Wednesday of the week, not hours from my self-imposed deadline of Sunday night. Oh, how very naive I was.

So here I doth sit, on a Friday night*, getting my post done for Sunday.
"Why Whimsy," you might say, "you're ahead of the game this week! Don't despair."**

Forsooth, but you are wrong. So very, very wrong.

You see, tomorrow I'm having my family over to celebrate my Aunt's birthday. She died when I was three years old, but we get together to remember her. There will be brownies, her favorite dessert.
Then, I'll be going to bed stupidly early (think 10pm***).

"Goodness, Whimsy." you say, clasping your hand to your brow, "Why such a dreadfully early bedtime?"****

Thank you for asking, my friend-who-I-just-made-up-for-the-purpose-of-asking-questions. I'll be getting up INSANELY EARLY on Sunday morning so I can work a SEVENTEEN HOUR DAY at a local theatre. They're hosting a touring production of The Color Purple, and I (along with my family) will be helping load in, do costumes, help during the show, and load out. The day starts at 7am, (a time that in Whimsyville just does NOT happen to exist) and we finish the day at midnight. Yep, long day.

Anyway, that's all I have for you this week, but rest assured, I have LOADS of news for next week. Suffice it to say that the classes that my family is teaching started this past Tuesday, and there is much hilarity to share concerning small children and the things they do.

Excitedly yours,

*I started this Friday night, but a combination of cataclysmic events (not really, just being busy) caused me to finish and post this on Saturday morning.
**Nobody I know talks like this, but they SHOULD.
***Since my usual bedtime is somewhere between 12 and 3am, this is the same as a massive culture shock.
****Because this is my blog, I shall write my fictional conversations with you as if you are a Brit from the 1800's.


  1. Wow, how'd you get so connected with your local theater? Do you act? Awesome post for last minute!

  2. Yes, actually! I've done pretty much everything from backstage/assistant stage manager work to being onstage. The one aspect of theatre that I'm not so involved with is singing/dancing.

    And thankee much. ^__^


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