Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week Six: The Inner Workings Of Whimsy's Brain

As some of you may know, I take ASL* lessons with my sister. This past Sunday (Did I mention that the lessons are Sunday nights?) as we were talking/practicing/learning/talking about Doctor Who in sign, we got to talking about Jung personality types**, and out tutor sent us a link to go take the test ourselves.

Anyhow, long story short, I've been strongarming all my friends, family and cohorts*** into joining in and taking the test and sharing their results with me.

As it turns out, I am an ISFP (Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving) type. At some points, the blurb got me SPOT ON, like here:

ISFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. They hold back their ideas and opinions except from those who they are closest to. They are likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in their dealings with others.

and here:
ISFPs celebrate their own uniqueness, as well as everybody else's, and don't appreciate being judged harshly for their differences.

and here:
ISFPs are able to get along with most of the other personality types, although they tend to be reserved around those they don't know well. They will enjoy spending time with others who share their interests, and who understand and accept the ISFP for who they are. They greatly value their space and autonomy, and appreciate other's respect for that.

but like most things, it's not a perfect fit. Like where it talks about ISFP's being "Flexible and laid back", and "most have a special affinity with babies...", it's not quite right. Nonetheless, if you want to read all about the supposed inner workings of my brain (which honestly is more accurate than not, or so I think), you can do so HERE.

Which brings me to what I really wanted to do with this blog post. Go HERE, take the test (yes it's long, but it's oh-so-interesting) and leave a comment with your type!

Part two!
For those who don't know, CEU's are Continuing Education Credits. My library has this program where you can sign up and take all these classes online in ALL KINDS OF FUN THINGS. I'm thinking that I might end up doing that, so that's going to be fun!

In other news...My roof is leaking! HOORAY! Yes, indeed. With all the snow we've gotten (up here in the Northeast USA) my house is now leaking. It's been a crazy few days, trying to keep up with all the dripping and bucket-changing and wet-towel-drying, but I think we've got it under control...fingers crossed, eh?

I have a kinda-sorta-plan for next week's blog, so keep an eye out for that!

Off to create madness,

P.S. Just as I finished writing this, the dog sneezed so hard, she smacked her face into the floor. Poor baby.

*American Sign Language for those who don't know.

**Yes, it's hard to talk about this all in ASL, that's where finger-spelling and actually TALKING OUT LOUD comes into play. O__O

***I just wanted to use the word...I'll admit it.


  1. I'm Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. It seemed reasonably correct, so I'm kind of intrigued! And I can sympathized about the leaky roof. I was worried that my family's kitchen roof was going to collapse! Stupid snow. :) Enjoy the three or so feet we have while it lasts :P

  2. I got Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving. I think that this is actually the one I got last time too. Koo. And I think it's kinda accurate too. From Typelogic: "ENFPs hate bureaucracy, both in principle and in practice; they will always make a point of launching one of their crusades against some aspect of it." Tru.

  3. INFJ (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging) ftw! ;)

    Type Talk by Otto Krueger and Janet Thuesen is an excellent book to check out if you want to learn more. :)

  4. I'm on the line between INFP and INFJ, but I usually fall to the INFP side.

    You should try Enneagram types too: I'm not wild about the format of that test because it focuses too much on what you think your weaknesses are - it doesn't seem to allow you to express being happy with who you are! Also it forces you to pick a binary gender. But the personality types are interesting. I usually come out as a 4.

  5. @Elle
    Well, I'm certainly amused with all this snow. It's hard not to be, but MAN, is it a pain. >__<

    Down with bureaucracy! It's kinda freaky how well the test knows you, huh?

    Thank you for the recommendation, and I'll check it out soon! ^___^

    I shall take the test and report to you what number I turn out to be, thanks!


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