Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week Five: Big Exciting News!

Last week, I alluded to Big Exciting News. Well, my friends, I have confirmation on ONE of them.

Very, very longtime blog readers of mine* (we're talkin' March 2010, here) will recall my talking about True Colors. For those of you who don't want to go searching through pages upon pages of blog entries, or are just too lazy to read another article (linked HERE and HERE), True Colors is a conference for LGBTQ(insertlettershere) youth. It's THE largest one of it's kind in the USA. I've gone for the past three years, and honestly, it's one of the highlights of my year. Think of an explosion of rainbows and young people and happiness. For. Two. Full. Days.

What the news is, not only am I going to be going to TC (for the fourth time), but I will also will be presenting. The thing that I'm most excited about is this: I WILL GET A PRESENTER'S LANYARD. Seriously, nothing is cooler than that.

What am I presenting, you ask? Why, my family and I have a theatre business, and we'll be doing theatre games. I am beyond excited about this. You have no idea.

We're also sending out some other proposals, so I'll be talking about them as soon as I have confirmation on that. I just feel like it's...maybe jinxing it to talk about it on here without getting confirmed first.

In other news, the snow here has reached a level of ABOVE MY HEAD. I am not short, either. I love snow, and I love LOTS of snow (I am a child, a very young child)and I ADORE making forts. Therefore, it was only natural that a giant pile of snow would become a fort/igloo/cave.

I've also been playing my guitar more lately. I've gone back to some of my childhood songs. You know, the ones that you play and, they just remind you of being seven or eight years old and spending your autumns at the local Renissance faire. Just me? Ahh, well then...
Anyway, sitting around playing "The Wild Rover", "Whiskey In The Jar" and "Scarborough Faire" is just a great feeling.

So, with that, I leave you.
If you haven't seen it yet, please go HERE and tell me what you think of my brandy-new FAQ.

If you have questions about whatever, post 'em below! I'll be happy to answer!

Hope you're having a great week five!

*Or people who know me in a non-bloggy way.

1 comment:

  1. Again, congrats! That lanyard will look amazing! Also, sorry about the MEGA snow!


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