Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week Sixteen: Late Blog Is Late.

So, I'm late with my blog this week. (OHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOO.)

This is the first time I've been late, so I think I'm doing pretty well. xD Looks like I'll have to wait for next year to get a full prefect attendance-blogging record.

Since I want to write this out before I have to go and work at the Town Hall running the video broadcasting software and I don't really have an IDEA for this bolg, I think I'll write and see what comes out.

Lately, we've been converting the old Playroom into an art studio. It's more along the lines of what we need at this point in our lives, and all the games and whatnot are being either packed away, sent to friends or re-located to a place where they're more out of the way. It's awesome to see how the room looks with all the arts supplies in it, but what's kinda NOT awesome is the fact that my allergies act up when we're cleaning.
Having 5 cats and a beyond-furry dog means that there's animal hair EVERYWHERE, and that means that Whimsy sneezes. A lot.

In the theatre class that I teach, we're putting on a little play with the younger kids (6-8). The kids wrote the story themselves, and I got cast as the Evil Queen.
Now, the Evil Queen* has captured a princess from a far-off land and an elf in her doungeon and is holding them hostage for the ransom of a THOUSAND POUNDS OF GOLD. Did I mention that she killed her nice, good, upstanding husband WAY before this story begins? Because that's how evil she is.

Keep in mind, the little ones wrote this. They wrote a story about a homicidal queen who has powers of FIRE. They come up to my hip. I have to TOWER over them and be EVIL AS I CAN BE. The first time, I told the little boy who's playing the part of the Good Wizard that I was going to be scary, but I wasn't going to be really mad at him. Now, he can't stop laughing when I'm being awful. It's really cute. xD

There are now four days left until the new series of Doctor Who starts. I am so excited, I can barely stand it. I've watched all of New!Who, but I think I love the Eleventh Doctor the best. There's just something about him...I can't quite say what it is. So, yes. Much excitement over that. AND, I'm re-watching (for me)/watching for the first time (for my mums) the whole of Doctor Who from 2005 onwards. We've just moved on to the Tenth Doctor. Watching it with my mum is just FANTASTIC**.

I'm still working on editing my NaNoWriMo novel, and I've added 5,000 words since November. I'm so very pleased, and even though it's going slowly, at least it's going. Some days are better than others, but at least it's moving. I've been tossing around titles, but nothing's stuck yet.
Also, since there's only 195 days left until NEXT NaNo, I've been beginning to think about that, too.

And, to wrap this nice long rambling blog up, I've re-discovered a letter from one of my old nerdfighter pen-pals. I'm collecting a HUGE letter to go to her, (my hand-written letters average around six or seven pages), and it's nice to get back in touch with her, since we dropped out of touch for freakin' AGES.

I'll see you again before Sunday night, and have a charming week!

*Hahahha, just mistyped that as "the Evil Queer". I'm going to crawl off in my corner and hyperventilate from hysterics now.
**Sorry, I had to. It was FACT.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post!! I like to hear what's going on in everybody's life :) That's what I like to write about in my blog!! Have you read any of my posts? <3


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