Monday, April 25, 2011

Week Seventeen: Easter eggs!

So, for a pagan-child like myself, Easter holds very little personal significance. My family does Ostara, and that happened AGES ago, back at the spring equinox.

That being said, my grandparents do, in fact, do Easter. We had them over this evening for dinner and egg coloring. I LOVE coloring eggs. Yes, I'm a nineteen year old young woman, and I love coloring eggs.

Here is a photo, and now I must go to sleep.

Sorry this was short, it'll be longer next week. I hope.

Busy times...



  1. Ooo, I love coloring eggs! I like doodling on them with Sharpies. Lol, you're never to old for having fun ;D

  2. I thoroughly enjoy your TARDIS egg. How did you like the new season? Cliffhangers are the absolute worst, no? And don't worry about Easter having no significance. I celebrate it, and I'm a Jew. I guess it just depends on your family.

  3. such a nice little egg. :3

    my mom dyed our boiled eggs with onion skins.. they ended up looking like normal brown eggs. whoops!


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