Monday, January 3, 2011

Week Two: An Adventure!

Sunday, January second.
In which Whimsy goes out on a shopping trip, and has quite a day.

As some of you may know, I got some of the typical female genes. Examples: The I-Love-Romantic-Comedies gene, the Hey-I-Like-To-Dress-Up-In-Fancy-Clothing-Sometimes gene, and a few more that for the life of me I can't think of right now, but that's pretty much where it ends. You see, I missed out on one of the most female-typical genes in the world.

I. Hate. Shopping. So. Much.

So, we start off with going to Target*. Now, if you've never been to Target, let me tell you about it. It's big, it's red and it's full of a LOT of crap that I would never buy.

Anyhow, I had to return something there, and while I was there, I saw jeans. I have REALLY LONG LEGS, and if you do not have long legs, you don't know the pain that is attempting to get pants to fit your legs. Mostly, I get my clothes at thrift stores, since (most of the time) I find that paying $25 dollars for a pair of pants, no matter HOW brilliant they are is just stupid.

There I am, in the target jeans section. WHO KNEW THAT THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF JEANS???
So, I grab a few pairs that look like they'd be in my right range, regardless of one being a "fit 3" and the other being a "fit 6".

So, I go into the changing room, and I start to pull on the jeans. They're getting caught on my socks, so I pull off my socks, and try again. After fighting with this pair of jeans for around about five min, I finally get them on. My legs feel like sausages stuffed into VERY TIGHT CASING. Stiff-leggedly, I wander over to show the rest of my family.

Sister: "WOAH."
Me: "I. Cannot. Move."
Sister: *snickers*
Me: *looking down at rag on jeans* "This says 'Skinny'. These must be 'skinny jeans'. I will never wear these again."

So, I go back to the dressing room, and find a pair that does NOT say "skinny", and try that on. I end up with two pairs of 'bootcut' jeans...whatever THAT means.

So, we're leaving the store...FINALLY, and I see the Converse shoes display, and a pair of purple Converse. My first thought: "Ten wore those..." And then, "EVERYONE WEARS THOSE". People who followed me during BEDA, will recall my intense dislike of ANYTHING "conformist", so I brushed by them, after asking my mum, (who has much better fashion sense than I do) if I could wear my white sneakers with my new (very dark blue) jeans. She suggested that we look at the shoes, since I had never really liked my sneakers...

I had Intense Emotional Turmoil over these shoes, but FINALLY, new shoes. Plaid converse shoes. (The purple wasn't in my size. I was sad.)

Now, what the most hilarious bit is, I LOVE THESE NEW SHOES. For the first time in a LONG TIME, I like my shoes.

There was no point to that. Now you know what shoes I wear.


Bookstore! Whimsy becomes MUCH happier. I got Dash and Lily's Book Of Dares, by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. I am ALREADY DONE WITH IT. Such a good book. Such awesome characters. So much laughter. You all need to go and read that book. RIGHT NOW.

The other book I got is The Wake Of The Lorelei Lee. It's the eighth book in the Bloody Jack books, a series I COULD NOT LOVE MORE IF I TRIED. Pirates, feminists, street urchins, Brits, history, well done writing, a fantastic heroine, seafaring...all that good stuff. Read those too. Start with Bloody Jack, and keep going.

On our way home, after stopping at a few more places**, we start to realize that the car is acting weird. On the way home, the car breaks down...THREE TIMES.

Thank whatever-it-is-you-believe-in, but we somehow made it home. WOW.

Oh, in the next few weeks, I will be talking about one of my newest obsessions, Doctor Who and Torchwood, and HOPEFULLY changing my blog background.

That is the longest post EVER about nothing at all.

Too long, didn't read?
I hate shopping, skinny jeans and conformity, I own Converse, read books, the car broke but I'm okay, I love Who and Torchwood, and ZOMG THE BLOG MAY LOOK DIFFERENT SOON.

*falls on floor to watch chick flicks*


*Yes, bad and anti-gay, but what are you going to do? I already boycott Wal*Mart.

**Fabric store for fabric for a tunic my sister is making me, and electronic store.


  1. YAY! Good blog! Mine will be much like this for the week! I'm happy about your shoe change! Also, congrats on the jeans. Finally, I would have fixed the car (Nick is manly man.)

  2. I write too much.

    Short version: I have purple Converse. I didn't know they existed until I met my boyfriend.

    Also, skinny jeans can be evil, but for me it's because they say skinny but they're still long and baggy.

  3. I love Converse. They are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned and they fit perfectly. I even run in them, which I've been told is Very Bad, and I need Proper Running Shoes but proper running shoes make my feet want to fall off. So whatever.

  4. I love my purple converses. Also, I finished Dash and Lily in one night. SO. FANTASTIC.

  5. @Nick
    Nick may be Manly Man, but it was raiiiiiining, and I was tired...Whimsy is not a Manly Lass, in that case.
    (And thank you, good jeans are hard to find.)

    Oh my goodness! A whole blog post in reply! I feel famous...or something. Will be posting a full comment on your post. ^__^

    You know, after only having my Converse for one day, I can say that they are, in fact VERY comfortable. I actually wore them in the house today, and I am EMPHATICALLY anti-shoe.

    I swear, every book that David Levithan writes makes me like him even more! The man is a flippin' MASTER writer. Have you read Boy Meets Boy? It's one of his.

  6. Does EVERYONE who blogs have purple converse?! I do, too. Plus, I have plaid faux-converse, and LIME GREEN converse. (What? No, I don't like converse...)

    I like looking at things when I "shop," but I don't often buy. Shoes are my favorite, and thusly are the exception to the "not buying" tendency. (I have moon boots of awesomenosity and joy).

    And jeans suck. My favorite cut is high-waisted and "straight leg," which is hard to find. But they are the best, most comfortable, and most PRACTICAL cut of pants.

    The end. Also, I like you. In a totally non-weird, I'm-kind-of-a-stranger-but-I-think-your-blog-is-cool-Can-we-be-friends? type of way.

  7. @Maggie
    Perhaps it's a genetic thing, the purple converse. Same type of people. (I would LOVE lime green converse, as well.)

    I am quite perplexed by your "moon boots". Are they shaped like astronaut shoes? Are they rain boots with moons on them? Is there a brand of boots called "moon"? O__o

    I genuinely snickered about your last sentence. Yes, we can most certainly be friends. But I can't do anything about not being weird. I am the queen of weird, so there we have it. ^__^

  8. The moon boots are shiny white snow boots that strongly remind me of astronaut's footwear. Which is why I call them moon boots.

    Additionally, they give me the power to walk in slow motion.

  9. @Maggie
    Any article of clothing that gives you a superpower is an automatic win. Also, they're shiny, so additional win, there.


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