Friday, August 12, 2011

At the ballet.

Do you ever have one of those moments when it strikes you just how surreal your life is?

That happens to me a lot, actually. For instance, last night, I went to my second ever ballet. Beautiful dancing, the costumes were (very pink and sexist, but) pretty, and the strength and grace of the dancers is fantastic. Keep in mind, this is coming from the girl who regularly trips over her own feet.

So here I am, enjoying myself, and having a lovely night, when suddenly it hits me how surreal this is. I'm sitting in the front row at a ballet, and the ballet's music of choice?

Rick Astley.

Yes, you did read that right. Rick Astley, the singer of "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Together Forever". Actually, the dance to "Never Gonna Give You Up" was really cool.

It's moments like those where I look around and just smile.

Life is weird, and I would never want it to change.

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