Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life Lessons: A List

A short list of life lessons in no particular order.

* If you leave bleach in your hair for too long, yes, it WILL burn your scalp.

* Smiling at other people means that you're a lot more likely to get a smile back.

* It's far to easy to say "No" to new things because you're nervous.

* I am too delicate to handle intense books, and I don't need to be filling my head with frightening things...

* If you have a hard time fitting your hand into the opening of a jar, it will be twice as difficult getting your hand back out again.

* Spending your time wondering if other people think you're weird is a waste of time.

* Sometimes, people can't tell that you're being sarcastic. It's usually not a good idea to heap MORE sarcastic comments on top of that.

* If you have enough determination, an assortment of weird supplies and the ability to google instructions, it is impossible to be bored.

And on THAT note, have a charming day, you lot!


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