Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I want to start out by saying that I know that I'm really behind with replying to comments. I litterally have had no time at all.

But enough excuses, let's have a proper blog post.

Since it's getting to be that time again, shall we talk about school? I think we shall.

When I was really young, I didn't really pay attention to the fact that school was starting up again. It was simply something that was keeping me from seeing my schooled friends, something that meant that I couldn't see my friends in the middle of a weekday.

As I grew older and began to pay more attention, back to school time became weirder and weirder. I distinctly remember one day, while grocery shopping with my mom, I looked around the store and saw that there was nobody my own age in the store. You don't know how weird it is to suddenly look up and realize that you're living in a world without any children. It's unnerving.

As the years went by, the annoyance with the fact that my friend's school was cutting into my social life combined with the fact that (once you hit a certain age), people sort of look at you funny when you say that you're not in school.

They begin to think that it's okay to ask you some really rude questions. Yes, I know that most of this is from being misinformed, but yikes. I've had people ask me what was wrong with me, if I was stupid, or more often than not, just sort of nod and go "well, how 'bout that".

Now, I don't mind being asked questions, but it's when people start to blatently judge me is when I can't handle it.

As I grew older, there was one thing and one thing only that made me jealous of my schooled peers. School/office supply shopping. I know that sounds silly, but it's true.

I could spend hours in office supply stores and be perfectly happy.

This would not be weird if I liked shopping, which I most certainly do not.

Anyway, it's strange.

I'm off to eat soup, talk again tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. School supplies are the best. I just bought a package of all purple ink pens :)


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