Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week Thirty-Two: Movies and suchlike!

Last night, my family decided to go out and see a double feature at the drive-in. Mum cooked up a delicious meal, we gathered blankets and pillows, chairs and chocolate (for dessert) and packed up the car.

As we did so, the sky got darker and darker, until it got to the point where we went back and checked the weather AGAIN (after seeing that there was not a drop of rain forecast until the next night), and sure enough, there it was. A %20 chance of rain.

As anyone who has gone to a drive-in knows, going in the rain is absolutely no fun at ALL, so we decided to play it safe and stay at home. Since we had planned to see a double feature of "Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes" and "Captain America", we settled on a double feature of our own. "Pricilla, Queen Of The Desert" and "Fall From Grace", a documentary on the Westboro Baptist Church.

Both films were really good, and as Pricilla went along, I grew to like it more and more. "Fall From Grace" was both facinating, educational and like watching a train wreck.

As much as I'd like to go into what I thought about the movies some more (and I might, with Pricilla), I have to run.

There are proposals to make up for the family theatre business, and the day is marching onward.

But before I go, a few questions:
Have you seen any of the movies that I mentioned?
What's your favorite film?
What's the best film you've seen lately? (Mine would have to be a documentary on crossdressing in film/on stage, I think. Too many options to choose from!)

Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. I recently watched the movie Submarine. It was kind of like Juno; if Juno was a British film directed by Sofia Coppola and starred a horny and depressingly rebellious male teenager.


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