Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pitching myself off the cliff into oblivion!

Do you ever have one of those decisions where either option could potentially end up being something you'll regret?

It's one of those "lesser of two evils" situations. You weigh both options, and try to find the one that you'll regret LEAST, and pick that one. ...or at least I do.

It can be hard to choose what option will be the one you'll regret, especially if you don't have all the information. Perhaps there's some rouge element in the future? Something you can't count on in your careful planning and weighing? That's when it gets really tricky.

Then it becomes not just a matter of having everything fit in the neat little "pro" and "con" lists that you've drawn up, but also a sort of future-guessing.

If you can't tell, when I'm making a decision, I like to have ALL the information right in front of me, and not having that information can send me into a tailspin. Yes, you read that right. Trying to work out what I should choose can send me into a minor stage of panic. Not pretty, not helpful.

So, back to the lesser of two evils, leaving my panic mode behind.

There you are, analyzing every possible outcome to death, under a time restraint (because since when did a really tricky decision come WITHOUT a time restriction?) and all you can think about is what you're going to do about your really tricky and potentially life-threatening question, what NEXT?

Wait, shhh. Of COURSE it's life threatening! Geez, you people. Your answer will not only threaten your life, but it could CHANGE THE WORLD.

Raised stakes never hurt anyone, am I right?




Hang on. What the hell were we talking about? Life threats, world changing, evils, future-guessing, and a mild mode of panic...

There was a point, I swear.

RIGHT! So, in the line of all great life-changing decisions, I have decided to take a flying leap and pitch myself off the cliff into the oblivion that is BEDA. God knows what I've gotten myself into, but we'll see.

I've got madness coming, this August, so let's see what happens.

Here with you for the ride, for better, for worse, and for late posts,

P.S. Role call! Who's doing BEDA?


  1. BEDA! YES!!

    I think I said that last time. Um. So... hi! I'm excited to see you blogging through August with us. :D

  2. This was a wonderfully atypical way of saying "Hey guys, I'm doing BEDA!" Loved it! I'm so glad you'll be doing the BEDA dance with us. ^_^

  3. @Rachel: Hello! I'm so glad to see that you're BEDA-ing! HUZZAH!

    @Maggie: It is my goal in life to be wonderfully atypical. Thank you. ^__^


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