Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'd really like you to read this. ^__^

Before I go any further, this moth I'm going to have some post that I really want you to read...some posts that I don't want to get lost in the flood of BEDA posts. If a post is one that I'd really like you to read, I'll make sure the title is letting you know that.

This post is one of those posts that I'd really appreciate it if you'd read.

I'll start with a question.

Have any of you read "The Gospel According To Larry"? It's a phenomenal book, one that's really thought provoking, raising some very interesting questions about anonymity.

If you haven't read it (and you should read it), it's by Janet Tashjian. Go find it.

In the meantime, I'll tell you the basic premise of the book. Josh Swensen, a teenaged blogger gains a HUGE following for his anti-consumerisim blog,, a website that actually exists. However, Josh is writing anonymously, under the pseudonym of "Larry". Eventually, there's a huge movement to find out who this "Larry" is, and things get very interesting from there...

I won't spoil it for you, don't worry.

The reason why I'm talking about Larry is because his story is part of why I've chosen not to give out my birth name on this blog. (The other reason is, of course, for personal protection. I don't want a knock on my door that leads to a phone call to the police. You all know how much I hate phones.)

I don't have delusions that my tiny blog will become a worldwide phenomenon, but the idea that Josh has people who read what he says and care about what he has to say just because of the power of his words, not because of who's saying them...that's the most interesting part of the book for me. If Larry had given anything away about who he was, his message would have been changed by nothing other than people's perception.

That's why my blog won't link to any other of my online haunts anymore. I'd like you to enjoy what I have to say purely because of what I'm saying, not because of who's speaking. Sort of like Larry.

Unlike Larry, I've told you things about me. You know details of my life, my past, my future, and you even can see a fairly clear photograph of me.

For me, when I'm writing these posts, I want you to get to know me. I want to get to know all of you. But I want to do that without having those weird stumbling blocks of awkwardness that happens so often (for me, at least).

This is pure, unadulterated ME, behind these words. Clearer than I could be in person.

That leaves me with a few questions for you all:
What are your thoughts about pseudonyms?
Would/do you use one?
Have you read The Gospel According To Larry?

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to get to know an odd girl with a computer. Every one of you makes my day, whether you comment, subscribe to my posts, or just READ what I have to say.


I realize that I didn't mention the people who read this blog who are my friends and family members. You know who I am, but I hope that reading my blog lets you get to know me a little better, or that you enjoy my quirky writing blurbs. Thank you all, as well.


  1. I always love reading your blog, and I think that knowing the way that you are helps me enjoy it more. Somehow, knowing that you are incredibly vibrant and bubbly makes reading your words more dynamic.

    My answers to your questions:

    I think pseudonyms are pretty cool, but I don't think I could use one. I have a weakness in that I want recognition for my work. Although, at the same time, it is difficult for me to take compliments. They make me feel awkward, but I crave them. Such a conundrum.

    I have not read the Gospel According to Larry, although it sounds absolutely fascinating. I love books that introduce new ways of thinking.

  2. I love your new background. So pretty :D


    I really enjoy pseudonyms. I protect my name pretty closely, even on facebook. I guess I like the idea of recreating myself with a name of my choice.

    Yes, I do use one. I use Arcaine on several sites. It's at much me as my given name.

    I have not read The Gospel According to Larry, but I think I"ll add it to my list. Right after Annie On My Mind ^^;;


  3. Wow- this is pretty interesting... I've always wondered if your real name was Whimsy ;)


    Nahh, I don't use or find a need to use pseudonyms. I'm not afraid of people finding or stalking me. I don't give out my last name, but the only reason I'd use a pseudonym is for fun :) I don't like going around in life thinking that every person is out to get me. I'd rather think that every person could be the one that would save me :)

    I mean, think about the olden days! You meet somebody, you just go home with them and become friends. I read a book that was written when my grampa was a kid, and this kid met a man while fishing and just went home and had supper with him. I mean, wouldn't that be nice to just trust everybody and anybody? Too bad the world is so messed up :P
    But everybody can change it ♥

    Haha, well, I think I wrote too much! But, those are my thoughts :)



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