Friday, August 19, 2011


So, I decided to audition for my first show since last September! The last time I was onstage in a show that I didn't do with the kids that I teach was back in April 2010, and my god do I miss it...

I'm sitting here, pouring over audition materials, doing research on Marlon Brando's voice and trying to figure out when is a good time in auditions to tell my prospective director that my bright green dramatically angled haircut can be swapped out for a more normal hairdo.

I also have to update my theatre resume, the contents of which will finally spill over onto a second page (and I will give three cheers).

Auditions are nervewracking. I think it's mostly because you're getting up in front of a bunch of people and saying "go on, judge me". I want to get up there and blow my prospective director away, make her know that I will work my ass of, make her know that I will be easy to work with, that I can and will do whatever she wants me to do without complaint, and that I will pour myself into whatever character I am cast as.

It's very much like asking somebody to take a chance on you, to trust that what you can bring to the table is wonderful and worth it.

Madam director, I'll see you on Monday, primed and ready. I'll be bringing everything I've got.


1 comment:

I love comments! They taste delicious on toast. Also, I read and reply to every comment.