Saturday, August 13, 2011

NaNoWriMo Is Coming!

Hello bloggians!

You know what's exciting? Getting books in the mail. A few days ago, I got online and ordered myself some items off of amazon. As you would expect, they were very Whimsy-like items. Two books and a jar of brilliantly green hair dye.

The books are the first and third in Mercedes Lackey's "Last Herald-Mage of Valdemar" series. I bought the second book in that series at a brick-and-mortar store, but they didn't have the other two, for some incredibly weird reason. The hair dye is for re-dying my hair...obviously.

Even though my hair is slowing fading from electric celery to that weird highlighter yellow-green and you can see a halo of dark brown hair close to my scalp, I still haven't gone and re-dyed.

And now, to divert suddenly from what we were talking about, and to neatly segueway into the fact that NaNoWriMo is coming. Dear lord, is it coming.

This time last year, I had come up with a few plot options, settled on one, created two great MC's, a HUGE supporting cast, pages on pages of plot outline, a fully fleshed out backstory, maps, character outlines, hand-drawn pictures of my MC's at ages 10 and 17, ten pages of timeline, everything was shoved into my Big Leather Folder Of Noveling Stuff and everything was looking fantastic.

This year, I have a nearly empty BLFONT, save for a few sheets of lined paper, some chords for a handful of songs, three different pens with three different uses, a temporary tatoo and a scrap of paper with a couple drawings on it (a good luck token from a friend).

I have no clue what I'm going to write about. The problem isn't not having any ideas, the problem is that there are TOO MANY options. How can you pick between genres (Historical fiction? Sci-Fi? Literary Fiction?) let alone sub-genres? (Sword and sorcery? Urban Fantasy? Steampunk?) And once you've figured that out, what about plot? There's too many ideas, and I can't pick between them.

There's also the question of whether or not I want to write in the same genre that I've written in before (YA realistic in 2009 and Fantasy in 2010). There are advantages to both options, so that's another problem.

With NaNoWriMo, as is with life, there can just be too many options to choose from.

Well, I'm off to create things, eat lunch, and do something spectacular with my day. What that spectacular thing is, I don't know.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. NaNoWriMo seemed so far in the future when I decided to do it this year, but it's sneaking up so fast!


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