Monday, August 8, 2011

On haters, opinions and Rebecca Black: an important post.

You know what I find absurd? People apologizing for what they like, or being embarrassed that they like something.

In my humblest of opinions, if you like something, you should like it. Revel in the fact that you have found something that brings you happiness, and don't hide.

Think about it. I'm sure you've seen somebody say "Well, I actually like Miley Cyrus/boxed mac 'n cheese-like-product/planking/Twilight/reading books meant for people younger than I am/studying/cheesy horror films/you name it" with a really sheepish expression, like they're about to lose all the "cool points" that they had accumulated, or like suddenly, all their friends will decide that all connection to this Loser-with-a-capital-L must be ceased immediately.

Take a look at that list. Liking ANYTHING on that list isn't causing any harm to anyone.

What really gets me is when people decide that just because they don't like something, EVERYONE in the world is therefore required not to like it. Seriously, what is WITH that?

I may not like Twilight, for example, and I may think that it's a horrible example of a healthy relationship*, but that don't give me the right yo look at someone else and go "Ugh. You like TWILIGHT. You can't like that, it's horrible, and therefore if you like it, you must be stupid!"

I see no problem with having a discussion about why we like certain things, and if you like something that I dislike, I have no right to make you feel like an idiot for liking it.

That respect should go both ways. If I like to listen to Miley Cyrus and dance around like a madwoman, or just listen to Party in the USA while I blog**, then you don't get to look at me with disappointment in your eyes and then make me feel like an idiot because I actually enjoy doing something.

And now we've reached something that really bothers me. People who hate people who like certain pop singers, or people who hate the pop singers themselves for no other reason than that they think that the singer is a "bad singer". I'm going to use two examples. One is Rebecca Black, and the other are the Bieber fans.

Starting with Rebecca, you have a 13 year old girl who made a music video because she wanted to, and because of it's admittedly non-amazing lyrics and the days of the week and having a party, it's fantastically catchy beat, a music video that doesn't rival one that could be created by a pop superstar like Lady GaGa, and the fact that she's young, she gets some of the most horrible hate comments. Just take a moment to scroll through some of the comments on "Friday".

Actually, I'll do that for you.

"which seat can you take? the electric one."

"i cant wait until she stands up in a car on the highway at night....... then i'll drive up and push her.... lololol ;D"

"Sounds like someones strangling a cat."

and the kicker, this little gem that is worse than all the rest put together.

"If you are seriously supporting what this girl is doing, there is something seriously wrong with you. It's like supporting AIDS injections for newborns. Nothing is right or ok about this. And some of you say "oh, but she's trying to make her dreams come true, don't hate." Fuck that! You know who else was just trying to make their dreams come true? Hitler. And look how that turned out. "

Nice, huh? Let's try a Bieber video. How about the official music video for "Baby"?

Okay, I'm scrolling through the comments, and a LOT of the hate that people are spewing is stuff that is so vile, I don't feel okay with having it on my blog, even for illustrative purposes.*** But, I can find a few that I feel I can post.

"Dislike everyone. Lets give this faggot 2,000,000 dislikes. "

"Hey you guys are so mean to Justin, leave HER alone"

"Justin Bieber is standing on the edge of a tower.
95% of all teenager are screaming and hoping that he wont jump.
If you belong to the 5% who eat chips and drink coke and scream BACKFLIP, BACKFLIP then press LIKE!!!!!"

Do me a favor, and take a look at that for a moment. This is what we do to people. We hide behind our screens and our handles, and we say horrible things.

Anyone who DARES to actually enjoy Rebecca or Justin's music is automatically pegged as a stupid fan with no taste. And you know what?

I actually like "My Moment", Rebecca's new song. I make no apologies**** for that. I especially the part where she's essentially saying "You know what, screw all you haters, I'm going to keep doing what I love and keep reaching for my dreams, no matter what you all say." Everyone knows her, she's on talk shows, and she's a household name, and it's all thanks to the people who leave her hate comments. I think that's beautiful poetic justice.

Essentially, what I'm saying is this.
Can we stop hating on people for liking things? Can we stop hiding the things that we like because we're afraid that our friends won't approve? Can we like things unabashedly? Can we enjoy music that might not be the best, technically, but still makes us happy? Can we think about the fact that there are actual people behind the screen names, music videos and pop stars?



* Hint: I do think that.

** Hint: I do, in fact do that.

*** Here is where I find a bunch of swastika graphics in a whole pile of youtube comments. I am genuinely confused.

**** Rachel, here's looking at you. I can't type no apologies without thinking of you.


  1. i personally adore "party in the usa".

    love love love it.

  2. I agree with everything you just said, basically. Also, YAY SHOUT OUT. ;D

  3. Internet haters have gotten really out of control. It's horrible what people think it's okay to say to each other. If you don't like "Friday" and want to say so, that's fine but it's totally out of line to suggest that she needs to die for it. Don't people see how crazy that is?!

  4. OH.MY.GOD.
    This post is freakin' amazing!!!! I try to tell people this ALL the time! But, you obviously know that they rarely listen ;)

    Let me just start from the top- I have too man things I want to say!! ♥

    Let’s start with- I don't care what people think of me. I don't change for anybody. I'm proud of what I like :) I'm a PRETTY strange (okay, weird) teen. I like don't fit in at all. But I enjoy being weird! I like what I like! So many people say they hat Twilight, but I stick up and say- I loooved it!! One of my “friends” recently got a girl friend. Now, he’s a complete Christian, so he didn’t like that she was bisexual when he met her. He also didn’t like that she didn’t go to Church or read the Bible. And he told her that he wasn’t gonna date her unless she picked between him and being bi and she started reading the Bible. And she did. She changed her whole self just for him. I mean, everybody can make their own decisions. But, I personally think that’s ridiculous. Remind me about this if I even try to change myself for somebody else ;D

    I also think that nobody deserves to be hated like that. EXPECALLY when you don't know that. AT ALL. I mean, you've never spoken one single word to these people and you "hate" them. I don't think there is even a way to hate somebody when you don't know anything about them. In fact, I don’t think there’s a way to truly hate anybody!
    I like Justin Bieber's music, I like Miley Cyrus (Party in the USA is a fantastic song! ♥), I like the Jonas Brothers, and I even liked Rebecca Blacks song! I couldn't believe it when soo many people were attacking Rebecca after she sang Friday. #1. she's 13! How can you say that other people are wrecking the world when you're being so mean to a 13 year old!? #2. she didn't even WRITE the song, for God's sake! Give her a break :P

    Oh yeah- and to that highly evil comment, Hitler was just following his dream. Even if everybody today thinks that he was evil and wrong. He was just following his dream. I’m TOTALLY not agreeing with him. But it was one big dream. Everybody has dreams.

    Everybody is completely entitled to their own opinions. But if it's mean, you don't have to say it aloud.

    I can't believe how mean people can be.*

    *Although, I really can. Sad isn't it? :P

    Well, now I've said wayyyyyyyy to much!!! Lol, I hope I didn't sound mean or anything in this comment. I was just so excited that somebody had the same opinions as me!! It's not often I come across that! :D Everybody has a right to think what they want.



I love comments! They taste delicious on toast. Also, I read and reply to every comment.