Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Someone is eating my August.

I have no idea what's happening, but someone is eating my August.

Today alone, I went with Mum to a followup for her surgery yesterday, swung by a beauty supply store for hair dye for my sister, went back to the house for lunch, stopped by a theatre to pick up audition materials for me, headed to the library for a few hours (appt for sister), and to wrap it up, ended up live broadcasting the town hall's selectman's meeting.

After that, we headed back home for supper and then watched Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog with the fambly. Inbetween all that, somehow I have managed to re-read the Last Herald-Mage Trilogy.

I guess that's why I'm not sure that I'm going to audition for the show that's coming up. I mean, I love theatre, more than almost anything else. I love getting onstage, learning lines, getting fitted for costumes, hearing the audience's laughter, the camraderie of the actors, the applause*, and more than anything, making something happen that wasn't there before.

I'd love to audition. I'd love to get cast. I'd love to pour my heart and soul into a character, to spend every waking moment thinking about the show, to attend rehearsals 2, 3, 4 times a week.

However, I do have a job. A job that very possibly can end up conflicting with my ability to put everything I have into this show. A job that I love. A job that I want to do, that makes me happy, that I would hate to have to skive out of to go to rehearsals.

I suppose I'll continue on thinking about this, and maybe I'll have something figured out by the time auditions start.

Ever yours in my perpetual state of confusion,

P.S. Happy halfway through the month!

*I know it sounds cliche, and kind of like an snobby sort of thing to say, but I really do. I'm an actor. What can I say?

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