Sunday, August 21, 2011

Windsurfing and ice cream trucks!

Yesterday, I went windsurfing, and let me tell you, it is a LOT harder than it looks. I am sore in about 3 million places now, but it was FUN.

Pulling the sail up is probably the most painful part, but gliding along on top of the water, propelled by nothing but the wind is just so COOL.

Getting to the point where you're actually gilding decently, though...that's where the difficulty comes in. It's a lot of breaking your back pulling up a sail and then getting unbalanced and dropping the sail, and then pulling it up, and then the wind catches the sail and you lose control of the board, and you go falling in.

We sailed for about 2 hours, but it felt like an entire day. I'm not saying that I regret doing it, because I don't, not at all, but I was ready for a nap afterwards, I'll say that.

Also, for the first time in living memory, I had ice cream from an ice cream truck. I live in a very rural area, so the ice cream truck never came down my road when I was little, and although Mum says that I had ice cream truck ice cream when we went to a pond a few times, but I have no memory of that.

Regardless, I had an ice cream cookie sandwich, and it was GOOD. That could be because I was starving hungry after windsurfing, or it could be because it was actually GOOD.

Now I must go, I have songs to play, people to hug, auditions to practice for, and books to read.


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