Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ewok-in' the dance floor.

Today is going to be a post pertaining to August.

Firstly, in case you DON'T know what BEDA is, I shall explain. BEDA is a project, created by the wonderful @Maureenjohnson in which the goal is to blog every day in a month beginning with A. This project started out in April (I do believe), but has since moved to August. I've done BEDA last year, and despite the madness that ensued, it was amazing, and I made some incredible friends.

So that's that. BEDA. BAM.

Secondly, some people have been talking about their August plans, and I will be joining those ranks today.

Among other things, this month my mom has surgery, we've got scads of proposals to get out for our theatre business, and at the end of the month, we're going to the Unschooler's conference! All that, and there are summer projects to do, home improvements to have done, and books to read!

Also, I'm starting sewing up little stuffed superheroes and supervillians to sell at the unschooler's conference, so that's really exciting!

As you may be able to tell, this BEDA is going in rather the same way as the past year. It's after midnight, and despite my plans to write a blog post before now, nothing has gone up.

Like last year, I'm calling this "blog once a day before you go to bed August".

Anyway, I think I can get let off easy because the reason I am late posting is because I was watching Return Of The Jedi...for the FIRST TIME.

While my thoughts on Star Wars will undoubtedly crop up in this coming month, I will simply say this:

Ewok dance party at the end. 'Nuff said.


1 comment:

  1. Whimsy. How have you made it through 19 years of life without watching the original Star Wars trilogy? (though I could be asking Maggie the same thing.) I was watching those movies before I could read.
    I'm curious to hear what you think! I'm a gigantic Star Wars geek. I have loved them since birth, pretty much.


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