Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week Thirty-Four: Wibbly-Wobbly-Posty-Wosty

Greetings and salutations.

As I did last year, I'm putting together one more blog post than I think I'll need, simply because I get home from the conference completely worn out and very, very happy.

So here we are.

At the time you're reading this, it's August 28th. There are just 4 days left until BEDA is over. This month just flew by.

I'm going in for my first read-through tomorrow for Leading Ladies. It'll be interesting to see who else is in the cast, and to get a better idea of my line load and who Aunt Florence is as a character.

At the time I'm writing this, I have to pack up EVERYTHING for the conference that, at the time YOU'RE reading this, I've just gotten home from, far to tired to actually post a blog that makes an ounce of sense.

Now, as I'm writing this, I have roughly five zillion things to do and no time to do them in.

I must run, and I will write to you all tomorrow (for you) and in four days (for me).

I feel a bit like a Time Lord, actually. You think my posts are all linear, but really they're more like wibbly-wobbly posty-wosty...stuff.

Until we meet again,

1 comment:

  1. Did you love the new Doctor Who, or did you love it?! Let's Kill Hitler. What an amazing title, and episode. How many times do you think it says in the script for Matt Smith to just smile enigmatically? I'll bet a lot! I can't wait to hear about the conference!


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