Sunday, August 1, 2010

BEDA Blog 1

So. Hello, dear reader! I am doing BEDA (Blog Every Day August) this year. I have no present clue if this will pan out, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

So, without further ado, here is BEDA Blog Number One.

I have a secret Twitter account. It's not that I do stuff on Twitter that I don't want my moms to see, no, they both know about it.

No more is it secret because my cheeks are flushed about who I follow (mostly Harry Potter folks, authors, a few youtubers, and other assorted geekery) or that I tweet too much, too little or use #hashtags.

No, it is simply because I have a twitter. I have laughed openly at the "twitterverse" for years, and I now have given in to my friends (who do not live ANYWHERE near me) saying "get a twitter" over and over and over and over and gone and gotten an account.

I feel like a hypocrite.

You know why?

Because I still laugh at the Twitterverse...dispite being a part of it; I roll my eyes at hash tags...whist using them, and therefore, I am a hypocrite.



  1. Interesting Blog Post! I loved it!

    Don't tell anyone, but I have a 2nd Twitter too. For @replying . =D

  2. I still make fun of Twitter, too... even though I have one.. haha.

  3. @Nick
    Secret Twitters are secret. Shan't say a word. :D

    I wonder how many people are Twipocrytes?
    See that new word there? I like it.


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