Saturday, August 21, 2010

BEDA, Day 21: Talkin' bout the internet.

I have a problem, readers.

It's not a BIG problem.

My problem is with the "Blogosphere" and the "Twitterverse" and the "YouTubes" and all those other weird words that describe various internet-y things.

Nobody calls MySpace "MySpaceLandia", and Facebook isn't "Facetown" and Dailybooth isn't "BoothDayz".

Why does this happen? It's not needed, and it makes something that's already got a strange name into something with a cutsey-poo nickname.

What's even worse is that all of these things can be found on "Teh Interwebz". Spelling "the" t-e-h is beyond annoying, and why do you have to add a Z on the end of the word? It's not edgier/better/cooler to have "skillz" than to have "skills".

If a sentence is typed "i have mad skillz wit postin tweetz nd blogz. wut up internetz?" then I am going to assume that I will not appreciate the "mad skillz" that you supposedly have "with postin tweetz nd blogz" and will most likely not go and check you out on the "internetz".

Also, what is UP with saying "FAIL"? Somebody gets a fact wrong, and all of a sudden, the Fail Ninjas attack. It's all "lolz, u fail" "FAIL" "that was a fail", until you want to just scream.

"lol" "LOL" "XD LOL" "LOL JK" "LOL WTF"
O_O Oh my dear lord. CAN WE NOT, PLEASE? When I'm typing to you, and all you say back is "lol" what do I say? I NEVER use "lol", and some people I know use it in REAL LIFE! Instead of actually LAUGHING at what they find funny, they spit out an internet platitude. Nobody's actually laughing out loud when they write LOL. It's simply become a placeholder, something to say in place of real conversation.

It's enough to make me go "OMG".

One more thing. Is saying "ur gay" really the best you can do to insult someone? I'd be way more offended if someone typed "you're a close minded bigot" than simply going along with the "ur gay" "u look gay" "ur such a f*g" "GAY" insult.
Rule number one: I'm not going to get offended by anyone who won't take the time to type out "you're", and instead puts two letters.

It just irritates me.


So, blogosphereians, I'm off to check my e-mailz, facetown and the youtubes, but first, I have to see what's going on in the twitterverse.



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