Monday, August 9, 2010

BEDA Blog nine: BLFONT and writerly badass-ness.

I love libraries. There's just something almost magical about all those books, shelves upon shelves of them.

I can walk between the shelves for hours, just looking at the titles, cover pages...*swoon*

I know, I'm strange.* We knew that already.

Anyhow, so I was at a library today, and I had brought my Big Leather Folder Of NaNoWriMo Things (BLFONT) with me.

The BLFONT** is roughly the size of a very large laptop computer when shut, and twice that size when open. That's not even touching on the stack of (absolutely not) carefully arranged papers INSIDE the BLFONT.

Those papers cover notes about writing projects that are both current and no-quite-so-current. All the papers are thrown together higglety-pigglety***. The plots wind up near fragments of dialogue for tales I have no plans to write, all jumbled in with sketches, rantings, and a good dollop of song lyrics for good measure.

I get to the library and make a beeline for my table. Granted, this table is not mine. I have no claim to it whatsoever. However, given the choice, I will go for this table compleatly out of force of habit. That, and the chair I like is positioned so that I can see the rest of the library without having to turn too much.

I go over to the table, carrying my BLFONT and my messenger bag and claim the table.

My messenger bag (today at least) is filled with five books on writing, and my iPod.

As I unload all my books, my iPod, my BLFONT, I realize two things:

One: I am taking up a table for FOUR on my own.

Two: I look like a writer.

The first realization made me feel guilty, until I realized that nobody else wanted the table.

The second one made me feel like a badass. An epic writerly badass.

So here's my question for you:

Part one: Do you have a writer-ly case, like my BLFONT, and is it organized?

Part two: What do you do that makes you feel like a badass?


* See any other blog post previous to this one.
** I pronounce this "Bella-font". Sorta like elephant, only not really at all.
*** A phrase to be used WAY more often than it actually is.


  1. BLFONT. This is pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever heard. :D No seriously. I love it. Haha.

    I used to have a folder like this, but over the past few weeks I actually transfered every scrap of handwritten writing related things to my laptop, so I don't have to deal with a million papers (and the risk of someone finding what I wrote) anymore. So yeah. You are clearly more badass than me.

  2. @Rachel
    Then I shall make certain my BLFONT knows that you think it's awesome. ^_^ It likes compliments. It's rather like a human in that way, don't you think?

    Wow. I bow to your transfer. That must have taken a hell of a lot of time. Quite a badass thing, I must say. ;)

    I just think better when I'm writing off of the computer. That, and the sad fact that too many things are distracting when one is online.

    Thanks for the comment!


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