Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BEDA, Day Three: Quirky

I completely realize that yesterday's blog was LONG.

I know, I know. You have to understand that when I am passionate about a subject, I tend to be long winded. Forgive me, readers who looked at that monstrosity and said "no friggin' way".

Let us talk about something else today.

Let's talk about quirks. We all have 'em. Some of us love 'em. Some are stranger than others.

Here's a list of my quirks:

I talk to myself. Correction. I talk to books. I know this is odd. I'll be at a library and see a book that I like. I'll say "Now, don't you look interesting" as I pick the book up and thumb through it. This has the pro of amusing myself, but the con of freaking out the other patrons of the library. Oops.

I cannot STAND ricotta cheese. The stuff sends shivers down my spine. I won't touch anything with that vile abomination in it or even near it. Not. Kidding.

I am a naturally messy person. Dear reader, if you could see my desk, you's wonder how the hell I'm composing this blog post on it. MESS. However, my library in the other room is organized by Author's last name, and within that, what books go chronologically in the series, and from that, what copies I got first. Since I have no fewer than 4 copies of Prisoner Of Azkaban, this is a needed precaution.
If someone messes with my library...woe betide them.
Did I mention that each book has a tag in it where I have the name of the person who checked out the book and the date it was checked out, so I know who has what book of mine at all times? Because I have that.

What other quirks do I have? So far, I have covered cheese and books. Not much variety there.

Let us think.

I change my voice around all the time just for the hell of it. Scottish, English, Medieval, high pitched voice, deep voice, robot, singing name it, I think I've done it.
This is why I amuse myself so well.

I can stand in front of a mirror, entertaining myself by twisting my face into un-godly shapes. When I was little, I scared myself by doing this in a dark room with a only a flashlight to see by. I think I'm scarred for life. Still.

Those are but few of my quirks.

What are yours?
Leave them in the comments! I read(and subsequently eat)every comment.



  1. Nice! I love the library organization!

    My quirks: I talk to myself with question-answer format and I move my head in circles sometimes. OHH and if I know a song that's playing i automatically lip sing it! =D Read, ya tomorrow!

  2. My quirks: Like Nick, I talk to myself. Like Whimsy, I drop into voices, sometimes without me realising it. I tend to impersonate celebrities as well as doing foreign accents.

    I don't use shampoo. Or conditioner.
    I'm not a stereotypical anything that I am.
    I have an iPod, but never listen to music on it.

  3. @Nick
    It took me two full days to organize my library. I was so proud of it, it was almost all I talked about for...too long. XD
    Lip-synching rules. There is video of me synching along to Party In The USA and dancing like an idiot.

    Yay! Another accent-person!
    Also, stereotypes can pretty much suck, so good for you, breaking the mold.


I love comments! They taste delicious on toast. Also, I read and reply to every comment.