Friday, August 20, 2010

BEDA, Day 20: Names, backstories and plotlines, oh my!

So, my friends. I have bits about my novel to share with you.

I've been thinking about my NaNovel, and I have come up with (what I think are) some good ideas.

I have two stories that I'm working off of this year, a plotline and a (stupidly extensive) backstory. The backstory follows the lives of the FIRST five people on my list, and the main plotline follows the daughters of the first five.

The idea behind the story is that the BACKSTORY is your everyday fantasy plot with good triumphing over evil, etc, etc. However, the perceptions of "good" and "evil" have been skewed by the people who are telling the history/public perception/combined with the fact that scared people will believe just about anything, even though both parties are equally in the wrong.


I'm VERY picky about names, so picking what I'm going to call my characters is a BIG deal.

I'm including a bit of a bio about each of them, and be warned...NEARLY EVERYONE DIES. But it needed to happen. I am sad about killing them, honest. :(

So far, I have these:

Cairene Llewellyn - Princess who was born by the King and another woman, shunned since birth, only member of royal line left; becomes Queen by end of the Backstory.

Liam Newlin - Commoner boy, family dies in combo flood/famine, teams up with Cairene, eventually marries her, becomes King by end of Backstory

Tavis Bronwy - Loner-type young adult, marries Ziske for appearance's sake, has child with her by end of Backstory.

Ziska (Ziske) Arwydd - Young woman from the mountains, powerful mage, married to Tavis, but her heartmate is Shivaun/Carys/Malia. Dead by end of Backstory by Liam and Cairene; has infant.

Shivaun/Carys/Malia Riedwyn - Young woman, mage from small village in upper country, loves and is together with Ziske. Tavis and she get along fine, no battle for Ziske's heart. Dead by end of Backstory.


Talaith Bronwy (Arwydd) - Daughter of Tavis, Ziske and Shivaun.

Aneira/Ariene/Elain Llewellyn - Daughter of Cairene and Liam.


So, waddya think?

Also, I will be away until Monday. Expect regular posts, but comments shall be replied to when I get back.

Have a wonderous weekend, all!


P.S. I shall miss keeping up on my other BEDA friends's blogs. :( However, I am off to do AWESOME THINGS, so it's all great. ^_^

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