Tuesday, August 24, 2010

BEDA, Day 24: Facebook

Sometimes, I think that people's facebooks are inaccurate representations of who they are as people.

Let us take a look at my facebook...

The Human Rights Campaign
French the Llama
Tyler Oakley
Red Vines
Laughing Like Umbridge
REAL Theater
Duct Tape

A sampling of status updates:

"So, according to this text analyzing website, I write like Douglas Adams. You know, Hitchhiker's Guide's author Douglas Adams? This made me very happy. Then, I submitted some more text, and I was told I write like two OTHER authors who are TOTALLY different. Whatever, I still want to think I write like Adams."

"Apparently, today is "friendship day". What is it about us that makes us need a day for everyone? If you've done it right, your friends know that they are loved every day. If you haven't, then they wouldn't still be your friends. Happy friendship day anyway."

"Today is a good day. No more Prop 8. :D"

"I'm not a bad speller, I just have creative spelling tendencies."

Political Views:
"People should be kind to other people as a general rule."


That seems to sum me up nicely, eh?

Too many people portray themselves as SO different than they are in real life.

Why do we do that? The internet is a breeding ground for non-genuine relationships, friendships and conversations. But it could be used as a place where like minded people find each other, and lifelong friendships are made. That is what I use my internet for.

Too often, we use the internet as a place to become fake people who are, in turn used to hurt other people's feelings.

It's sad that we as humans have such a hard time with being nice to other humans sometimes.


P.S. A friend of mine is very, very ill right now. Her name is Esther. If you want, could you send love, light and health her way? Thank you.


  1. do you think my Facebook is accurate? hmm..

    sending Esther happy thoughts.

  2. @Clara
    I think that's a question that you need to answer for yourself.

    At three AM today, Esther went on to seek her great perhaps. She is missed by many. If you want to leave a message for her family or learn more about what an amazing person she was, please visit here:



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