Sunday, August 8, 2010

BEDA blog 7: Dear Reader...

Oh. My. God.

I missed a day of BEDA. Let the flogging commence.




I have honestly no clue about what to blog about. I feel like it's kinda lame of me to just make a list of god-only-knows-what, so I shall attempt a coherent blog.

Let's talk, y'all. (I am not southern, yet I use y'all when I type. Go figure.)

I have come to the conclusion that I need a name for my audiance. Something short and sweet, so I can call you something other than "dear reader(s)".

First, I thought that since I am a blog-ger than you as the reader might be blog-ees, then I changed the spelling about a bit and came up with bloggies.

I then realized that "bloggies" seems like a four-year-old's name for plural blogs. ("Mama, mama, lookit mah bloggies!" Why a four year old would have a blog, let alone two or more is beyond me)
So, scratch that.

Bloggetts sounds to feminine and bloggles sounds just plain...dumb. (You'd stop reading if I called you bloggles, wouldn't you? Yeah, thought so.)

What to do, what to do...

And then I realize, with a blinding flash of realization, this:

if this is the most I have to worry about/make decisions about/freak out about, my life is pretty dang good.

And it is.

So, after all that, I guess I'm back to "dear reader(s)" and I guess that's okay with me.

So what if it makes me sound a bit odd, or old fashioned, or what have you, my other linguistics point in that direction as well.

There was no point to this post. I have ended where I began, calling you all my dear readers.

I don't mind if you don't. ^_^

Off to enjoy today, and hopefully write another blog before bed tonight so that I can be caught up with BEDA,



  1. I personally like boggles. Haha.

  2. Boggles are cute, too. Reminds me of the word game Boggle. Oh, and the saying "it boggles the mind".




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