Whilst I was away at the Faire, I noticed that I have hit ten followers. Hooray!
Hello, new people! If you haven't already, I suggest you read the "conversation with you, my blog reader" page, as it tells much about myself.
So, having spent the past two days away from the computer, I now have SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON. Wow, lots happen over the weekend.
Anyway, I spent the weekend with some of the most wonderous people I know. We went to the RenFaire on Saturday, and then camped over into Sunday, it was funnly awesome...then, at 1am on Sunday...IT RAINED. *cue DOOM music*
SO MUCH WET. I woke up and realized that my only pair of shoes was left outside in the torrential downpour. >.<
So, we packed up the tent and all the rest of the stuff, and decided to go the Faire again that day. It had stopped completely downpouring, so we ventured out into the dampness. It was splendid, it really was. We walked about in the wetness, and then the skies opened once more. We took shelter at first, but eventually just gave it up and frolicked in the torrential rain.
We danced in the rain, caught marshmallows in our mouths from the marshmallow-catapult vendor, told jokes to Robin Hood's Merry Men, ate middle eastern food, and listened to lovely Rennish music.
Sometimes, getting soaked to the skin (Not kidding, NOTHING WAS DRY) and having a three hour ride back home in wet clothes while cold, and cavorting like a mad woman is so worth it.
Think of the memories.

Yes, that's a PURPLE ROBIN HOOD HAT. I have such plans for this article of clothing. ^_^
That's all for today.
P.S. Yes, I'm wearing a plaid shirt. I'm in my PJ's. I'm comfortable.
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