Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BEDA Four: Gushers for Breakfast

I think that BEDA is (for me) Blog-Once-Every-Day-Before-You-Go-To-Bed-That-Night, because I am so not getting one up in every 24 hour day.

I am a night owl. This can cause problems with everyday life, because everyone else runs on, you know, daytime-time. I would be MORE than happy to wake up a 1pm, 2pm and go to sleep at...4am? That's more my kind of timetable.

However, The Rest Of The World does NOT follow by the 2pm-4am waking hours, so I have to get up early...ish, and go to bed early...ish-not-really. We're talking, say 9am to 1am? I know, REALLY early, huh? Not at all. I hate getting up early, I really do.

This summer, I went to Infinitus, a Harry Potter conference, and on the first day, I STUPIDLY gave in and told my friend to wake me up at 6:30 am so I could meet her at 7am.
I was so tired, I nearly fell asleep in my breakfast. (Breakfast was ginger ale, potato chips, cotton candy and gushers, for the interested. I have never eaten more crap in a meal in my ENTIRE life, but hey, what's vacation for?) Needless to say, I was WIRED all day long, until the night (read 2:30 am), where I crashed upon my bed and went out like a light.

Where was I going with all this? I do not know. Whatever.

Anywhozer, I took a writing test today, and learned that I write like Douglas Adams. This made me VERY happy, until I re-took the test twice more, and got two other authors. The lesson with that is: don't trust internet tests and analyzing whatnot, more often than not, it is crap.

If you are interested in who you write like (and who wouldn't, after my GLOWING review), please CLICK HERE and find out. If you do, tell me in the comments. A friend of mine got J.K. Rowling, and I admit, I was a bit envious.

Signing off before this gets far too long,

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