Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BEDA, Day 10: The beginning of Q.E.

I am a girl. Dunno if you knew that, but it's true.

Girls in general like to talk about clothes. I don't, really. I don't do accessories. I don't do purses, handbags or all that other stuff.

However, (you knew something was coming, didn't you? You're too smart for your own good, you are) I do wear four pieces of jewlery, and I have a messenger bag (SO feminine, I know) that I carry around with me. The bag is filled with whatever books I'm reading at present, my iPod, whatever crap that has collected in the bottom of my bag, and my wallet filled with my library card, a holographic chocolate frog card with Voldemort on it, my photo ID, the Armored Bearcub drop-card I picked up at Infinitus, but haven't redeemed yet, and my room key from Infinitus. Did I mention that this wallet is made out of duct tape, and has a Hungarian Horntail sticker on the front? Oh, yeah...I'm a nerd. (Nerd pride!)

The four pieces are, in order of my receiving them...

One: A ring that belonged to my Aunt. I received this on her birthday this past year, because she died when I was three. Our family has always kept her memory alive, and one way we do this is to always celebrate her birthday. The ring is gold, with two diamonds flanking an amethyst. I don't wear this ring because it's pretty (which it is, don't get me wrong), but because I remember my aunt, and because, well, it's part of my family history.
If I were wearing it simply for the pretty factor, I would have ditched it LONG ago. The first day with it on, I managed to give myself a pretty epic scratch on my arm. From the ring. I drew blood. How that happened, I do not know.

Two: A Livestrong-type rubber bracelet in rainbow colors, with "ourtruecolors.org" stamped on it. I got this one at True Colors, which long-time readers may recall from my posts about it. (You can read them here, here and here.
This bracelet is special to me because of a few reasons. I haven't taken it off since March 15 of this year, except for when I had to take it off to play a socialite (and VERY STRAIGHT) girl in a play. Even then, I took it off for the show, and put it back on as soon as the show was done. Also, it's the most permanently visible sign I have on my person that I am not straight.

Three: A macrame bracelet in rainbow colors. I made this just before I went to Queer Prom with a couple of friends. I also made one for my one of my friends, but I misjudged how big her wrist was by FAR, and it ended up being a anklet. Oh well. That bracelet resides on the same wrist that the other rainbow bracelet is on. The pair of bracelets have stayed on my wrist even for (homeschool/unschool) prom.

Four: A pendant with "Remus" and a pair of wings on it. Very simple, sometimes even kept inside my shirt so that it can't be seen. I got this at Infinitus 2010. This, too has not come off since I put it on. This is a reminder of my Potter-obsessed-ness. Remus just may be my favorite character from the books.

I don't wear a timepiece, because life is too short, and I don't need a reminder of that ticking away on my wrist, thankyouverymuch.

I'm a pretty much function-over-pretty-things kind of gal, although I have gotten more...creative with my "style" over the past year or so.

So, that's it from me tonight.

I think I shall start a new feature in my blog. I shall call it Q.E.

Q.E. Shall stand for Question Exchange, and it shall go like so:

I will ask a question, and if you want, you can answer it, and ask me a question in return.

Here is the first Q.E.

What is the strangest thing in your wallet/purse/bag?


P.S. Occasionally, I type my name as "Whimy" and it always makes me laugh.


  1. The strangest thing in my wallet/purse/old leather satchel that used to belong to my mum but now belongs to me is the expired gum that I keep finding. It's very greasy but smells like mint so I find that the two cancel each other out, so it's annoying but at the same time not.

  2. @Elle

    So, a nasty-greasy mint air freshener/perfume sachet? I could deal with that. ^_^

    I never really gave gum's expire-by date much thought. Old gum must be NASTY. *shivers*



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